Read what folks are saying about MontPIRG

Headshot of Senator Tester

"For 35 years, MontPIRG has produced change makers and has been at the center of activism at the University of Montana."

-United States Senator Jon Tester

Headshot of Shelbi Dantic

“I truly believe in our mission to train students as citizens; I think that we give students an opportunity that no other organization can provide.  In working for both environmental and consumer protections, while enhancing student’s education, we provide a service to the state of Montana that cannot be emulated by any other organization.”

-Shelbi Dantic

Congressional Campaign Manager

“MontPIRG is a standout organization for empowering young leaders to thrive. During my internship and tenure as MontPIRG Board chair, I gained invaluable insights and forged connections that have profoundly shaped my personal and professional journey. MontPIRG has also been instrumental in my development of effective advocacy and leadership skills, which has opened doors for numerous opportunities.” 

-Alexa Runnion

Communications Graduate

Headshot of Dustin Leftridge

“MontPIRG has been the catalyst and gateway to so many opportunities. My Sophomore year in college I started as an intern and got my feet wet in State and University politics. I used my organizing skills to mount a successful bid for ASUM President, and my contacts from MontPIRG opened the door to jobs after college and ultimately to my job as an public interest attorney.  It's surprising (or perhaps not at all) how many PIRG'ers are out there doing great things in the State, and the skills and contacts one gets from being part of the organization lasts a lifetime.”

-Dustin Leftridge


Headshot of Brad Martin

“The skills I learned at MontPIRG have served me well as a life-long progressive political organizer.  It's a privilege to do political work - as a staffer, a volunteer or activist - and MontPIRG is a training ground where you’ll make life-long friends and create real change for a better world. Don’t miss the opportunity – sign up, donate or volunteer.  Building MontPIRG is an investment in yourself, your community and a better Montana."

-Brad Martin

Executive Director, Democratic Party of Oregon

Headshot of Gerik Kransky

“While volunteering and serving on the board with MontPIRG I obtained an understanding of the responsibilities and tactics used in directing an advocacy organization. As a team we designed and implemented grassroots organizing, outreach, and education campaigns. Over the years I became proficient in public speaking, small donor fundraising, and targeting decision makers. I've built a career for myself in public policy and I learned how to do that while making the world a better place from MontPIRG.”

-Gerik Kransky

Advocacy Director, Bicycle Transportation Alliance

Jamal Wilson in a cardboard fish costume

“My favorite memory from MontPIRG is gathering petition signatures in freezing temperatures dressed as cardboard trout. MontPIRG taught me how to organize for success.”

-Jamal Wilson

Griz Football Alumni and AmeriCorps VISTA

Ashley Roness in a MontPIRG t-shirt

“Joining MontPIRG was one of the best things I ever did in college. I joined during a rough time in my life and PIRG helped me move forward in my life. I met amazing people and I felt like I had a purpose. I loved every moment with MontPIRG.”

-Ashley Roness

Editor, Miles City Star

“I am so glad to see what we started in 1981 continue into the new century with dedicated young people. You can effect change if you put in effort and organize effectively.”


“MontPIRG taught me that you don't change the world by striking off on your own, you change the world by helping other people learn to organize, and they help other people organize, and it creates a ripple effect that has can create a massive difference. I see a ton of amazing activists who started in MontPIRG after me and every time I see them use the training they received from MontPIRG to change the world it gives me great joy that I could be even a tiny part of hat.”



“MontPIRG is such a special organization. Young people in Montana should be so proud of this movement and the people who made it happen. I learned how to make asks for money and volunteers. I learned how to organize a press conference. I learned how to use a database. I learned how to build relationships, create a budget and what hard work really is.”